Address: 54-12-52, 16/1, Krishna College Road, Bhanu Nagar,, H B colony
Visakhapatnam - 530022, Andhra Pradesh, India
Dr. V. S. Krishna Govt. Junoior College, Visakhapatnam, established in 1968, was inaugurated by His Excellency Sri. Khandubhai K. Desai, Governor of Andhra Pradesh on 12th December 1968. The College was shifted from the University Campus to Visakha valley area which is 3 KMs away from the present premises in 1969. Owing to keen interest showed by District Collectors Sri C. Arjuna Rao IAS, and Sri K. V. Rao, IAS who helped in acquiring land, the college was shifted totally to its own and permanent premises in Maddilapalem in 1980-81.
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