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Compared to free directory listings, paid listings boost your online presence with extensive site descriptions, better placements, and increased site exposure.
Yes, you can change. You can start/stop or make changes to your plan any time you want – however, we won’t give refunds for cancellation or plan downgrades.
The mention of your local business’s name, phone number, and address on any online medium is called a citation. You can add them to web directories, social media platforms, and website applications.
People trust Google more than word-of-mouth these days. Research shows that 91% of people regularly or occasionally read online reviews, and 84% trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. Also, 68% of customers form an opinion after reading between one and six online reviews. Therefore, you need to have a presence on Google to boost your business, and directory listing is the first step towards it.
Many believe that online business directories and listing websites are a digital version of Yellow pages, but that’s not true. They are comprehensive channels that allow prospective customers, business owners, and professionals to identify and contact businesses relevant to them.
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