Address: Vaisakhi Skypark, GITAM Medical College Rd, opp. Syndicate Bank,, Yendada
Visakhapatnam - 530045, Andhra Pradesh, India
We welcome you to Vaisakhi
Vaisakhi, one of the most vibrant Real Estate Developers in the City of Destiny- the epitome of Trust & Credibility. Its reputation rests on the strong foundation of landmark Buildings built by it during the last two decades which reflect the rich blend of Architectural Elegance and Quality of construction.
This outstanding Mission of Development, ‘VAISAKHI’ Led by B. Sagar, B. Ramakrishna & T. Geeta Nandini is an embodiment of Reliability and Class through 360° of its ventures. With its splendid journey, the group has earned widespread respect for Construction Quality and Elegant Designs. Each Project has been meticulously planned and splendidly finished as per the committed specifications. The outcome of committed hard work of Vaisakhi team is reflected in terms of finest apartments in the city at affordable price and strict adherence to time schedules.
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