Address: Jagadamba Junction, Maharanipeta, near Makka Masjid, Maharanipeta
Visakhapatnam - 530002, Andhra Pradesh, India
The Rotary club of Visakha Port city had humble beginnings in the year 2003 in a rental premises next to KGH hospitals. Starting out as a project that provided whole blood for the needy, the blood bank has now grown leaps and bounds in the last decade in terms of technology, quality and multitude of facilities. The blood bank is now in a centrally located and fully owned spacious facility with a dedicated staff of over 40 employees. Over the years the blood bank has added a Components centre, Apheresis and a modern Blood collection van among to ensure the best service to the community.
Blood is in short supply all over the world both in developed and developing countries. Blood is an emergency medicine which cannot be manufactured, but it can be donated by fellow human beings as god has given that continuous blood manufacturing, auto regulatory mechanism in the human body.
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