Address: Palm Beach Hotel, Beach Road, Visakhapatnam, Beach Road
Visakhapatnam - 530003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Tucked in a cozy area along the coast line, the Palm Beach hotel gives you a glorious view of the Bay of Bengal. Each room at Palm Beach is effortlessly designed to carry a balance of comfort and sophistication. While boasting spectacular views of the glistening sea and swaying palms, Palm Beach is more than just an idyllic backdrop for your stay at the city of destiny. Every aspect of this stunning hotel is designed to ensure a feeling of calm, and tranquillity greets each guest as they are welcomed into their home away from home. Palm Beach harnesses the beauty and poise of this pristine location to create a holiday experience that is unlike any other.
Located just meters away from the Beach, the hotel's flawlessly arranged sea deck overlooking the ocean is an incredible place to immerse yourself in a truly memorable fine dining experience. Impeccable facilities and impressive restaurants promise to make it a delightful experience for you.
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