Address: 30-12-36,1st Floor,Ward No.13, Ranga Street Main Road, Beside Nellore Mess,Near Oriental Bank Of Commerce, Ram Nagar, Dabagardens
Visakhapatnam - 530020, Andhra Pradesh, India
The company was founded in 1949 by late V.C.Padmanabhan in Thrissur District. The company commenced its operations at Valapad, mainly with money lending activity on a very modest scale. The group's flagship company, MAGFIL, was established in 1992 in the wake of economic reforms launched by the Government of India. Manappuram's origins go back to 1949 when it was founded in Valapad (a coastal village in the Thrissur District of Kerala) by the late V.C. Padmanabhan, father of Nandakumar. Its activity was mainly pawn broking and money lending carried out on a modest scale.
On 14 February 2012, The company announced an immediate compliance to any of RBI's concerns. To enhance governance and better manage growth to the next level, the Board also decided to constitute an independent committee under the chairmanship of Mr Jagdish Capoor (former Deputy Governor of RBI and former Chairman of HDFC Bank). This committee will review relevant aspects of operations, systems, controls and organizational structure, including Board composition and effectiveness.
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