Address: Allipuram,, Dabagardens
Visakhapatnam - 530020, Andhra Pradesh, India
Income Tax Office Visakhapatnam is a gocernmental agency known with the name of Income Tax Department under the Government of India located in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The government of India inposes an income tax on taxable income each and every individual and small and large companies whose total income Falls under the income tax slab.
The government collects the tax through its offices in different cities of India. Later This tax is used for the development of the cities like construction of roads, new schools and other developmental activities. The address and contact number of Income Tax office Visakhapatnam is also used for Income tax ward Visakhapatnam, Income tax office 1, Income tax office ward and chief Commissioner of Income Tax Visakhapatnam.
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