Address: 22-54-1, Town Hall St, Chengal Rao Peta, Port Area
Visakhapatnam - 530001, Andhra Pradesh, India
The Government Victoria General Hospital generally called as Gosha Hospital which is first women and children hospital in the Visakhapatnam city which has served more than a century is located at Chengal Rao Peta, Visakhapatnam.
King Goday Narayana Gajapathi Rao bought land for this hospital in 1894 in the early days of this hospital was run by Hilda Mary Lazarus with the permission of establishing the hospital from Queen Victoria the hospital name is changed Victoria Hospital in 1949 this hospital was comes under government of Madras.
This hospital service for women and children's with current capacity of this hospital is 200 beds and Government of Andhra Pradesh expanding it with 100 more beds.
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