Address: Main Rd, Chinna Waltair
Visakhapatnam - 530017, Andhra Pradesh, India
India Meteorological Department is one of the oldest organizations in our country. The meteorological observatory was established in the year 1870 at Visakhapatnam, is one of the oldest observatories on the east coast of India taking surface meteorological observations. During 1940’s the observatory was located in PWD office at Maharanipeta. Pilot balloon observatory was added afterwards.
During Second World War a forecasting unit was started and an American Radiosonde station to take upper air data. It was manned by Americans. Around 1944 the station was upgraded to a class 5 observatory with self recording instruments and was headed by Dr.P. Koteswaram as Meteorologist Grade-I. Few years later the observatory was shifted from Maharanipeta to Airfield in October 1948 upgraded to class I on 1.4.1950. During that period it was Dependent Meteorological Office (DMO) and it was reduced to Secondary Meteorological Office (SMO) from 1.6.1951. It was again upgraded to DMO in 1965.
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