Address: Q87P+2F7,, Visalakshinagar
Visakhapatnam - 530043, Andhra Pradesh, India
The The Anti-Corruption Bureau is a specialized agency tackling the problem of corruption in various departments of the Government against Public Servants and also Private Persons whoever abet the offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The Bureau registers cases under the provisions of this Act. Besides this,the Bureau conducts enquiries basing on the information/petitions received from various agencies like Government, Vigilance Commission, Lokayukta etc.and also on the information/petitions received by the Bureau from the public containing specific and verifiable allegations of corruption against Public Servants.
This Bureau was established on January 2, 1961 and functions directly under the administrative control of the General Administration Department of Andhra Pradesh Government. The Director General, who is a senior IPS officer of the rank of DGP,heads the Bureau. He is assisted by One Additional Director (D.I.G rank) and One Additional Director(D.I.G rank),One Special Additional Director(D.I.G rank) and Six Joint Directors (3 Cadre SP’s & 3 Non Cadre SP’s ) Cadre, Two Additional Supdt.,.of Police.
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